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Frequently Asked Questions

100 Women Who Care was started in November of 2006 by Karen Dunigan of Jackson, Michigan, as a brilliantly simple way to raise money efficiently and quickly for local charities. Her group of 100 women, at their first one-hour meeting, each wrote a check for $100 directly to the charity, raising $10,000 to buy 300 new baby cribs for an organization in their city. Since then, they have grown to over 200 members and Women Who Care chapters are forming all over North America. These groups collectively have donated more than a million dollars to locally based organizations. We’re just one of many many chapters all over the world. The best place to go for tips and ideas is the “home” of all chapters — the 100 Who Care Alliance

Each quarter, 100 women come together to donate $100 each, raising $10,000 to be donated to a local nonprofit, profoundly impacting their ability to provide their goods and services to citizens in the Seacoast. Members nominate nonprofits before each event, the Board of Directors narrows down a Top 3 for the event, and a member from each nonprofit attends th event and gets 5 minutes to tell the group about their cause, how the funds will be used, and answer any questions. The group then votes and everyone donates $100 to the winning organization.

You can donate online, via check or Venmo, and this can be done before or during the event.

We all agree to donate to the winning organization, but of course, you are more than welcome to also donate to the other two organizations who presented if you would like to support them as well.

No national nonprofits will be considered, but local branches of national nonprofits are eligible for consideration. The purpose is for 100% of the contribution to stay in Strafford, Rockingham, and York counties.

Yes, the Board will ensure all nominees continue to be considered so they will continue to have an opportunity at making future Top 3/Top 1.

While the same charity can be featured in the Top 3 more than once per year, they cannot be featured in the Top 3 during two consecutive meetings. This provides members with as much exposure as possible to as many different nominated charities as possible.  Additionally, if a charity is selected by the membership to receive the $10K, they are no longer eligible for future Top 3 spotlights or donations. 

Yes, the organization must agree NOT to use the names for future solicitations, nor give the information out to the public.

Yes. You will continue to be able to donate (online) even if you cannot attend the in-person event. You will be notified via email who gained the majority vote for the donation the night of the event. You will also remain a qualifying/voting member for future quarters.